63 thoughts on “Beban Yang Dibawa Setiap Manusia

  1. selamat pagi

    memang tiap orang punya cara tersendiri dalam membawa beban hidup.
    ada yang ngebawanya enteng2 aja, ada yg sebaliknya

    gue suka artwork lo, bang Ajikinai.
    mantab !!
    saya kasih bintang sepuluh deh :mrgreen:

    you rocks \m/

    terima kasih dan mohon maaf 😮

  2. wah keren-keren, suatu saat bisa dikomersilkan tuh

    setiap orang emang punya beban hidup sendiri2
    kalo lagi kesusahan, inget2 aja motto nya homer simpson
    “If something is HARD TO DO, then it’s NOT WORTH DOING” hehehe

  3. bravo bro ajikinai,,,
    aq suka gambar yang mo bagian terakahir jadi di gotong deh tuh beban,,
    btw gw baru sadar kok style char yang ada di gambar itu kayak arisato minato,,hehehe…

    • If your talking about the story then what he’s trying to tell you is that he’s getting pissed of by all the other people that are lifting heavier weights and he can barely walk it.

      If you’re talking about their speech then you’ve lost me.

  4. you really draw nice pictures.. at least that’s something i can understand in your blog.. hehe 🙂

    and you seem to have a lot of fans judging by the comments.. hehe 😀

    good luck learning english (i read from the above comments) 😉

  5. Hey Ajikinai, I just put on a new post.
    It doesn’t have a picture but it is a good post.
    Ask your Indonesian friends if they want to check it out.

  6. wahhh si aji makin keren aja nih????
    mantep banget ilustrasinya…
    makin jago aja gambarnya
    met taon baru ya ji, baru bisa berkunjung sekarang 🙂

  7. sepertinya dgn menyimak gambar2 yg Mas Aji buat, bunda tahu apa yg dimaksud.
    Semangat terus ya Mas.
    ayo……….jangan pernah menyerah utk 2010 yg lebih baik.
    bunda bantu doa ya.

  8. Pingback: Review Blog Ajikinai | Nugra Daily Site - Another Smarter Blog

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